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To be useful in the real world, a neural network must be able to generalize to data it didn’t encounter in the data set used for training. But that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes, a model learns the training data so well — both its common features and its peculiarities — it doesn’t understand anything else. When this happens, regularization can address the problem.

I   Underfitting, overfitting, and generalization

A good classifier will learn a decision boundary (the red line in the illustration below) that correctly classifies most of the training data and generalizes to novel data.


A neural network’s ability to generalize to novel data depends on two factors:

When a model lacks sufficient capacity or the training data set doesn’t adequately represent the range of real-world variation, it can lead to problems known as underfitting and ovcerfitting.

Case 1: The network has a small capacity and the complexity of information in the training data set is high.

Consider training a two-layer convolutional neural network to classify photos in the ImageNet data set, which contains 1,000 classes. Such a network is too simple to represent the data’s salient features.

In this case, the model will learn a simple decision boundary that doesn’t correspond to the structure of the training data. Consequently, it will misclassify many data points.


Such a model is said to underfit the training data set.

Case 2: The network has a large capacity, but the complexity of information in the training data set is low.

You might try training a 100-layer convolutional neural network to detect, in images of the sky, clouds (label 1) or no clouds (label 0). This network is more capable than the task requires.

The network’s capacity is sufficient to learn the mapping between the training images and their labels. But the network learns salient features that are particular to these particular images. It doesn’t learn inherent features such as the colors of the sky. Given new data, it tends not to find an accurate mapping. In other words, it doesn’t generalize to novel data.


This model is said to overfit the training set.

When a model is overfitting in this way, regularization techniques can fix the problem. Regularization helps models strike a good balance between learning inherent features and salient features in the training data.

How to assess a model’s ability to generalize

How can you determine when regularization is in order?

You can estimate a model’s ability to generalize by splitting to generalize by splitting training data into three subsets: training, dev and test.

Addressing generalization issues

To fix underfitting, deepen your neural network by adding more layers.

To fix overfitting, reduce the model’s capacity by removing layers and thus reducing the number of parameters.

Another way to reduce capacity is to limit the growth of the weights through some kind of weight decay, as shown by Krogh and Hertz (1992). By decaying weights, in effect you’re limiting the range of potential networks to choose from.

The best way to help a model generalize is to gather a larger data set. But this is not always possible. If you don’t have access to more data, you can use regularization methods.

The aim to close the performance gap between the test set and the dev and training sets while keeping training performance as high as possible. Regularization will help you do so. Note that regularization isn’t used to address an overfit network.

II   Regularization techniques

Let’s take a look at three regularization techniques: Early stopping, L1 and L2 regularizations, and dropout regularization.

Early stopping

One way to stop a neural network from overfitting is to halt the training process before the network has thoroughly memorized the data set. This widely used technique is called early stopping.

Recall that the process of optimizing a network to find the correct parameters is iterative. If you were to evaluate a model’s error on the training and dev set after every training epoch, you might see curves like these:

Error dev error train error Number of Epochs

Based on this observation, you could estimate that the model started overfitting after the 30,000th epoch. Early stopping would save the model’s parameters at the 30,000th epoch. The saved model would have the best performing parameter values on the dev set and likely would generalize better to the test set.

Use the following selections to view a histogram of the weight values with and without regularization.

1. Select a regularization method

2. Choose a value for the regularization constant

Choose a value for $\lambda$ in the update equations above.

3. Load your dataset and train the network

Load data and train both regularized and unregularized networks.

1. Choose an artificial loss landscape

2. Select a regularization method

3. Choose a value for the regularization constant

dropout_reg_2 1.00 0.50 0.05 Keep Probability layer l-1 layer l layer l+1 Starting 0.01


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