2022 Pie & AI Ambassador Spotlight: Jean de Dieu Nyandwi

Why did you join the DeepLearning.AI community as an event ambassador?
Before becoming an ambassador I took several of DeepLearning.AI’s specializations. I believed that becoming an ambassador would help me to meet more people in AI, learn new things, and help mentor others about their AI careers.
What do you do when you are not hosting events with DeepLearning.AI
If I am not hosting or organizing events, I am usually doing academic work, learning new things, and occasionally, I write AI tutorials. I also like to run — a few weeks ago, I actually went to a marathon for fun 🙂
Describe a few highlights from your event ambassador experience.
Joining the DeepLearning.AI Ambassador community was one of the best things I did in the early days of my AI learning journey. The events I hosted made a big impact not only on me, but on other people as well. I sometimes meet people who tell me that events I hosted helped them to make a career in AI. The other day on campus, I met someone who told me that he chose to major in machine learning after watching the event I hosted with Santiago Valdarrama.
What have you learned/gained since joining the DeepLearning.AI community?
Since joining DeepLearning.AI’s ambassador community, I have learned many new things, participated in the AI community, and met incredible people both online and in person. I highly recommend anyone who is getting started in AI to participate in the Pie & AI community.