Event Ambassador Spotlight: Mo Rebaie

Mo Rebaie

Beirut, Lebanon
Hailing from Lebanon, Mo Rebaie completed his Bachelor’s in Math and Computer Science. He works as a deep learning engineer at Rebaie Analytics Group developing algorithms and creating prototypes for AI research labs and as an AI instructor at Coursera. Mo also volunteers as a DeepLearning.AI Event Ambassador, a mentor for our NLP Specialization, and an Alpha tester at Workera.
How did you become a part of the DeepLearning.AI community? 
I became a deep learning engineer after completing almost all the Specializations offered by DeepLearning.AI and numerous other AI courses on Coursera. When DeepLearning.AI launched its Event Ambassador program in 2019, I joined immediately so I could work alongside a team trying to bring people into the AI field through events and panel discussions. Moreover, I wanted to share my experience, skills, and knowledge with others and help them kickstart AI hubs in their local areas to foster a sense of community. 
What has the experience of being an Event Ambassador experience been like for you?
I’ve hosted 9 Pie & AI meetups so far and am planning to host more this year (virtually!) It gives me immense pleasure when we’re able to stoke interest and bring in more enthusiasts from all over Africa, Asia, and Europe and expand the community. Of course, my proudest moments are when Pie & AI attendees who enrolled in the AI and ML courses offered by DeepLearning.AI are able to land ML jobs.  Being an Event Ambassador has given me the opportunity to meet new people, create workgroups, contribute to real-world AI projects, and build connections with peers and mentors in the AI field. 

Mo speaking at Pie & AI: Beirut 2/20/2020

You can find Mo Rebaie on LinkedIn and Twitter. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]