Landing.AI screen capture
Sep 29, 2021

The Batch: AI Allocates Covid Tests, Makeup Thwarts Face Recognition, Making Neural Nets Think Harder, NeurIPS Under Fire

In my experience, the most sophisticated decision makers tend to be hypothesis-driven thinkers. They may be engineers solving a technical problem, product designers fulfilling a customer need, or entrepreneurs growing a business. They
Hypothesis-Driven thinking chart
Sep 22, 2021

The Batch: Distance Killing, Walmart Revs Driverless Delivery, Neural Net Learns Sense Of Style, UN Versus AI

In my experience, the most sophisticated decision makers tend to be hypothesis-driven thinkers. They may be engineers solving a technical problem, product designers fulfilling a customer need, or entrepreneurs growing a business.
Location of Pie & AI events
Sep 15, 2021

The Batch: China Clamps Down on Recommendation Engines, Robot Football, Ethics Survey, Reducing Elder Fall Risk

I invite you to be part of Pie & AI, a series of meetups that bring together members of the global AI community for education and conversation. Pie & AI is a place where you can network with peers, learn best practices from industry leaders...
Neurips data-centric AI workshop screen presentation
Sep 08, 2021

The Batch: Predicting Climate Change, $500 Billion In AI Sales, Perceptrons Equal Transformers, Computer Vision Stares At The Sun

I’m thrilled to announce the NeurIPS Data-Centric AI Workshop, which will be held on December 14, 2021. You may have heard me speak about data-centric AI, in which we systematically engineer the data that feeds learning algorithms. This workshop is a chance to delve more deeply into the subject.
Cartoon with a joke about choices
Sep 01, 2021

The Batch: Tesla's Dancing Robot, Adapting to Climate Change, Asking Language Models Nicely, Machine Unlearning

Building AI products and businesses requires making tough choices about what to build and how to go about it. I’ve heard of two styles...
Andrew Ng's grandfather drawing
Aug 25, 2021

The Batch: Invasion of the Large Language Models, Can AI Recognize Opioid Addicts?, Better Coffee Through AI

Recently I attended an online celebration of my late grandfather’s life. He had passed away quietly in his sleep in March. Two days later, Coursera was publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange. And two days after that, my son Neo Atlas Ng was born.
Data-Centric AI Development Iterative Workflow
Aug 18, 2021

The Batch: Apple Weakens Privacy, AI's Invention Wins A Patent, Deere All-In For Robot Tractors, Atari-Playing Algo Learns New Trick

Say you’ve trained a learning algorithm and found that it works well on many examples but performs poorly on a particular subset, or slice, of the data. What can you do?...
Math equations
Aug 11, 2021

The Batch: AI Recognizes Race in X-Rays, Robots Do Bees' Work, Transformers Pay Closer Attention, New Research Centers

How much math do you need to know to be a machine learning engineer? It’s always nice to know more math! But there’s so much to learn that, realistically, it’s necessary to prioritize.
Hand-drawn letter with a heart and signed by Andrew
Aug 04, 2021

The Batch: Gunshot Detection Under Fire, AI At The Olympics, AlphaFold Goes Open-Source, Revenge Of The Perceptrons

Since the pandemic started, several friends and teammates have shared with me privately that they were not doing well emotionally. I’m grateful to each person who trusted me enough to tell me this. How about you — are you doing okay?
Cartoon about data
Jul 28, 2021

The Batch: Face Recognition Audit, Gamers Cheat with AI, Who Rules the Smart City?, Language Learning Generalizes to Other Domains

In earlier letters, I discussed some differences between developing traditional software and AI products, including the challenges of unclear technical feasibility, complex product specification, and need for data to start development.
Series of spreadsheets with different data
Jul 21, 2021

The Batch: Amazon's Algorithmic Mismanagement, Brainwaves to Text, OpenAI Drops Robotics, Multi-Scene Synthesis

In a recent letter, I mentioned some challenges to building AI products. These problems are distinct from the issues that arise in building traditional software. They include unclear technical feasibility and complex product specification.
Andrew Ng sitting in the Blue Origin passenger capsule
Jul 14, 2021

The Batch: Walking the Robot Dog, Mistaking German for English, Making Art With an Image Classifier, Zero-Shot Object Detection

I’ve been following with excitement the recent progress in space launches. Earlier this week, Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic team flew a rocket plane 53 miles up, earning him astronaut wings.
Cartoon about traditional software and AI
Jul 07, 2021

The Batch: Zillow's New Neural Net, Optimizing Traffic City-Wide, Classifying Creepy Crawlies, Behavioral Cloning

In a recent letter, I noted that one difference between building traditional software and AI products is the problem of complex product specification. With traditional software, product managers can specify a product in ways...
Magnifying glass over the words Unclear, Technical and Feasibility
Jun 30, 2021

The Batch: Amazon's Grab-And-Go Grocery, The Trouble With Ethical AI, Airlines Optimized, Few-Shot Learning

Last week, I mentioned that one difference between traditional software and AI products is the problem of unclear technical feasibility. In short, it can be hard to tell whether it’s practical to build a particular AI system.
Slide with information about challenges to building AI products and businesses
Jun 23, 2021

The Batch: Wildfire Alert Network, AI Invades Campuses, Synthetic Videos, Reviving Lost Traditions

With the rise of software engineering over several decades, many principles of how to build traditional software products and businesses are clear. But the principles of how to build AI products and businesses are still developing.

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