Comic-style illustration of a confident woman and man standing beside bold ‘10X’ text on a bright background.
AI Careers

How AI can make you a 10x professional: Every profession can become more efficient and strategic by applying more intelligence.

A “10x engineer” — a widely accepted concept in tech — purportedly has 10 times the impact of the average engineer.
Gift box labeled ‘Innovation Energizer’ with a rocket logo, truck, and snowy background.
AI Careers

Alternatives to Acquisitions: Tech giants forge strategic partnerships to secure talent and technology without acquisitions

Big AI companies found creative ways to gain cutting-edge technology and talent without buying startups.
A ChatGPT prompt
AI Careers

Algorithm Whisperers: What it's like to work as a prompt engineer

Looking for work in AI? Brush up on your language skills. Employers are hiring prompt engineers to write natural-language prompts for AI models, The Washington Post reported. They include Anthropic, Boston Children’s Hospital, and the London law firm Mischon de Reya.
Animated chart with different questions from State of Data Science survey
AI Careers

Data Scientists on Data Science: Data Science Jobs Bring High Satisfaction

A survey of data scientists reveals a field of great opportunities but also room for improvement. The 2022 “State of Data Science” report from Anaconda, maker of a popular Python distribution, surveyed 3,493 students, teachers, and employees.
Illustration shows an AI job searcher heading into the workforce.
AI Careers

How to Build a Career in AI, Part 7: Optimizing Your Job Search

Every job search is different. Here are some tips from Andrew Ng to increase the odds you’ll find the right position.
Job search pillar and two guys talking and drinking coffee
AI Careers

How to Build a Career in AI, Part 6: Job Search Fundamentals

Last week, I wrote about switching roles, industries, or both as a framework for considering a job search. If you’re preparing to switch roles or industries, there’s a lot about your target job that you probably don’t know.
An illustration shows how career changes can be a role switch, an industry switch, or both.
AI Careers

How to Build a Career in AI, Part 5: Finding Your First AI Job

Andrew Ng presents a framework for job seekers in AI, especially those entering from a different field.
Animated graphs and maps show global hiring trends for AI jobs in the pharma industry.
AI Careers

AI Jobs Grow in Pharma: Drug Companies are Hiring More Machine Learning Engineers Than Ever

Pharmaceutical companies in several countries are hiring machine learning engineers at increasing rates.
10 most in demand jobs in AI, ML and Big Data
AI Careers

What AI Employers Want: 10 Most In-Demand Jobs in AI and Machine Learning

A website that aggregates AI jobs revealed the roles that are most in-demand. published its second annual list of the job titles that appeared most frequently in its listings.
An illustration of a person thinking about his projects pillar
AI Careers

How to Build a Career in AI, Part 4: How to Sequence Projects to Build a Career

Last week’s letter focused on coming up with AI project ideas, part of a series on how to build a career in the field. This letter describes how a sequence of projects might fit into your career path.
A person holding a giant sheet with tips on how to find projects
AI Careers

How to Build a Career in AI, Part 3: Choosing Projects

In the last two letters, I wrote about developing a career in AI and shared tips for gaining technical skills. This time, I’d like to discuss an important step in building a career: project work.
An illustration of a person holding a giant sheet with different ML subjects
AI Careers

How to Build a Career in AI, Part 2: Learning Technical Skills

Last week, I wrote about key steps for building a career in AI: learning technical skills, doing project work, and searching for a job, all of which is supported by being part of a community. In this letter, I’d like to dive more deeply into the first...
An illustration of a person on top of a career path
AI Careers

How to Build a Career in AI, Part 1: Three Steps to Career Growth

The rapid rise of AI has led to a rapid rise in AI jobs, and many people are building exciting careers in this field. A career is a decades-long journey, and the path is not always straightforward.
An illustration of Andrew Ng thinking looking at Neural Networks
AI Careers

A Solid Foundation for a Rewarding Career

Years ago, I had to choose between a neural network and a decision tree learning algorithm. It was necessary to pick an efficient one, because we planned to apply the algorithm to a very large set of users on a limited compute budget.
One sign with a message about being understaffed over a hiring sign for different engineering roles
AI Careers

Help Wanted: AI Developers - Hiring managers report a shortage of AI talent.

Hiring managers are struggling to find machine learning engineers amid an ongoing, global talent shortage, Business Insider reported. Some employers are going the extra mile to distinguish themselves from competitors in the eyes of potential employees.
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