Aug 21, 2019

7 Posts

Andrew Ng with a group of engineers in Medellin, Colombia
Aug 21, 2019

DeepLearning.AI Opens Medellin Office

I am writing to you from Colombia today, and am excited to announce the opening of our office in Medellín. The office will serve as the Latin American headquarters for three of the companies in our AI ecosystem: Landing AI,, and AI Fund.
Andrew Ng with a group of engineers in Medellin, Colombia
Aug 21, 2019

The Batch: Clothes That Thwart Surveillance, DeepMind in the Hot Seat, BERT’s Revenge, Federal AI Standards

I am writing to you from Colombia today, and am excited to announce the opening of our office in Medellín. The office will serve as the Latin American headquarters for three of the companies in our AI ecosystem: Landing AI,, and AI Fund.
T-shirt covered with images of license plates
Aug 21, 2019

This Shirt Hates Surveillance

Automatic license plate readers capture thousands of vehicle IDs each minute, allowing law enforcement and private businesses to track drivers with or without their explicit consent.
GO match: AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol
Aug 21, 2019

DeepMind Results Raise Questions

Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind lost $572 million in the past year, and its losses over the last three years amounted to more than $1 billion. AI contrarian Gary Marcus used the news as an opportunity to question the direction of AI as an industry.
Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street
Aug 21, 2019

BERT Is Back

Less than a month after XLNet overtook BERT, the pole position in natural language understanding changed hands again. RoBERTa is an improved BERT pretraining recipe that beats its forbear, becoming the new state-of-the-art language model — for the moment.
National Institute of Standards and Technology logo
Aug 21, 2019

Standards in the Making

The U.S. federal government released a plan to develop technical standards for artificial intelligence, seeking to balance its aim to maintain the nation’s tech leadership and economic power with a priority on AI safety and trustworthiness.
Comparison of the results using different normalization functions
Aug 21, 2019

Style Upgrade

Image-to-image translation, in which stylistic features from one image are imposed on the content of another to create a new picture, traditionally has been limited to translating either shapes or textures. A new network translates both.

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