
5 Posts

Molecule illustration

How to Gain Practical Machine Learning Experience

Academic courses can teach you the ins and outs of machine learning, but they can't fully prepare you for putting your work into production. To get the experience you need, you need to come up with your own projects from scratch.
Red and green board game pieces

How to Overcome Societal Obstacles: How to break into AI from a disadvantaged background.

The top artificial intelligence companies include many people who earned degrees at elite educational institutions and started their employment with prior work experience. Yet the world is full of people from nontraditional backgrounds.
Illustration: Board game piece walking through piles of coins

How to Get a Job in AI

If you want to work in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or data science, I have great news: New jobs are opening in these areas at a great rate, and there’s no reason why you can’t get one of them.
Illustration: Board game pieces and puzzle pieces

How to Keep Up in a Changing Field: How to keep up with a fast-changing industry.

Machine learning changes fast. Take natural language processing. Word2vec, introduced in 2013, quickly replaced one-hot encoding with word embeddings. Transformers revolutionized the field in 2017 by parallelizing the previously sequential training process.
Books on the floor

How to Learn Machine Learning

Want to become an AI practitioner? Here’s a program that will take you from beginner to job-ready. You may already have a head start, depending on your background. For a motivated person who starts with a solid high-school education it may take around two years.

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