
60 Posts

Letting Chatbots See Your Data: Coding framework LlamaIndex enables data interaction with LLMs

Letting Chatbots See Your Data: Coding framework LlamaIndex enables data interaction with LLMs

A new coding framework lets you pipe your own data into large language models. LlamaIndex streamlines the coding involved in enabling developers to summarize, reason over, and otherwise manipulate data from documents, databases, and apps using models like GPT-4.
Finer Tuning: Surgical fine-tuning modifies layers based on data differences.

Finer Tuning: Surgical fine-tuning modifies layers based on data differences.

Fine-tuning a neural network typically involves retraining every layer on new data. But research shows that networks may perform better when fine-tuning modifies only a subset of layers.
Optimizing Matrix Multiplication:  AlphaTensor for faster matrix multiplication, explained

Optimizing Matrix Multiplication: AlphaTensor for faster matrix multiplication, explained

Matrix multiplication is executed so often in deep learning, video games, and scientific computing that even a slight acceleration can save substantial amounts of processing time. New work finds ways to speed up this crucial operation.
Transformer-based system simulating simulate the Atari game "Pong"

Efficient Reinforcement Learning: IRIS used reinforcement learning to master Atari games with little gameplay.

Both transformers and reinforcement learning models are notoriously data-hungry. They may be less so when they work together. Vincent Micheli and colleagues at the University of Geneva trained a transformer-based system to simulate Atari games using a small amount of gameplay.
Graph with difference in test error in keeping hard versus easy examples

Unsupervised Data Pruning: New method removes useless machine learning data.

Large datasets often contain overly similar examples that consume training cycles without contributing to learning. A new paper identifies similar training examples, even if they’re not labeled.
Dependency between compute budget and number of parameters

Right-Sizing Models for the Dataset: Finding the Best Data-To-Parameter Ratio for NLP Models

The route to improving transformer-based language models like GPT-3 and Gopher, which are trained on immense quantities of text scraped from the web, has been to increase their size. But research shows that, given a processing budget, bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better.
App that monitors machinery

If It Ain’t Broke, Fix It: Factories Use AI for Predictive Maintenance

Factories are using AI to warn them when equipment is reaching the breaking point. Services that monitor machinery to predict imminent failure and provide guidance on necessary upkeep are booming, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Illustration shows different self-attention mechanisms used by Transformer-based AI models.

Attention to Rows and Columns: Altering Transformers' Self-Attention Mechanism for Greater Efficiency

A new approach alters transformers' self-attention mechanism to balance computational efficiency with performance on vision tasks.
Animated graphs showing how an ensemble of fine-tuned models can provide better performance.

Ensemble Models Simplified: New Machine Learning Research Simplifies Ensembles

A CLIP model whose weights were the mean of an ensemble of fine-tuned models performed as well as the ensemble and better than its best-performing constituent.
A series of graphs show the carbon emissions associated with training AI models.

Cutting the Carbon Cost of Training: A New Tool Helps NLP Models Lower Their Gas Emissions

You can reduce your model’s carbon emissions by being choosy about when and where you train it.
Two randomly cropped pictures

Tradeoffs for Higher Accuracy: Data Augmentation Plus Weight Decay can Boost Some AI Models

Vision models can be improved by training them on several altered versions of the same image and also by encouraging their weights to be close to zero. Recent research showed that both can have adverse effects that may be difficult to detect.
Masked Auto-Encoder (MAE) explanation

Who Was That Masked Input? Pretraining Method Improves Computer Vision Performance

Researchers have shown that it’s possible to train a computer vision model effectively on around 66 percent of the pixels in each training image. New work used 25 percent, saving computation and boosting performance to boot.
Overview of Mobile-Former | Cross attention over the entire featuremap for the first token in Mobile→Former

High Accuracy at Low Power: An energy efficient method for computer vision

Equipment that relies on computer vision while unplugged — mobile phones, drones, satellites, autonomous cars — need power-efficient models. A new architecture set a record for accuracy per computation.
Multimodal deep learning model

AI Versus the Garbage Heap: How Amazon uses AI to cut waste.

Amazon reported long-term success using machine learning to shrink its environmental footprint. The online retailer developed a system that fuses product descriptions, images, and structured data to decide how an item should be packed for shipping.
Schematic of 8-bit optimizers via block-wise dynamic quantization

More Learning With Less Memory: Training large language models using less memory.

Researchers discovered a new way to reduce memory requirements when training large machine learning models. Tim Dettmers and colleagues at University of Washington released 8-bit optimizers that store gradient statistics as 8-bit values, while maintaining the same accuracy.
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