Jul 24, 2019

6 Posts

LSFNet for the fusion of spatiotemporal descriptors
Jul 24, 2019

Who Robowatches the Robowatchmen?

Do security cameras make your local bank or convenience store safer? These devices monitor countless locations around the clock, but it takes people watching to evaluate their output — an expensive, exhausting, and error-prone solution.
Jul 24, 2019

Closing in On Cancer

For all the research attention paid to cancer, there’s still no foolproof way to catch it early. Now AI is homing in on tumors that doctors previously missed.
Binary code over a map
Jul 24, 2019

Africa Rising

Africa isn’t known as a tech hub, but the continent’s embrace of AI is putting it in the spotlight. African researchers lately have turned to AI to tackle everything from crop failure to bureaucratic red tape.
Collage of videoclips
Jul 24, 2019

Do GANs Dream of Moving Pictures?

Generative adversarial networks make amazingly true-to-life pictures, but their output largely has been limited to still images — until now. Get ready for generated videos.
Conductive thread woven into the brain using a machine that resembles a cross between a microscope and a sewing machine
Jul 24, 2019

Wiring the Brain for AI

Chips that connect the human brain to outboard equipment have given paralyzed patients rudimentary control over robotic limbs. Elon Musk envisions brain-computer interfaces that wouldn’t just rehabilitate people but link them to artificial intelligence.
The Batch: Wiring the Brain for AI, Diagnosing Cancer, Generating Realistic Videos, Innovating in Africa
Jul 24, 2019

The Batch: Wiring the Brain for AI, Diagnosing Cancer, Generating Realistic Videos, Innovating in Africa

I recently met an engineer at a large travel agency who had built a fun ML project for sending guests greetings. This was one of the company’s first forays into ML. The project did not generate any revenue, and their managers discouraged them from doing more work on ML.

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