Jun 5, 2024

6 Posts

Blenders Versus Bombs, or Why California’s Proposed AI Law is Bad for Everyone: California’s proposed AI law SB-1047 stifles innovation and open source in the name of safety.
Jun 5, 2024

Blenders Versus Bombs, or Why California’s Proposed AI Law is Bad for Everyone: California’s proposed AI law SB-1047 stifles innovation and open source in the name of safety.

The effort to protect innovation and open source continues. I believe we’re all better off if anyone can carry out basic AI research and share their innovations.
The AI PC Arrives, OpenAI Used For Disinformation, U.S. and China Seek AI Agreement, Training Models to Reason
Jun 5, 2024

The AI PC Arrives, OpenAI Used For Disinformation, U.S. and China Seek AI Agreement, Training Models to Reason

The Batch AI News and Insights: The effort to protect innovation and open source continues. I believe we’re all better off if anyone can carry out basic AI research and share their innovations.
Better Teachers Make Better Students: Microsoft‘s Orca 2 strengthens the native reasoning abilities of smaller models
Jun 5, 2024

Better Teachers Make Better Students: Microsoft‘s Orca 2 strengthens the native reasoning abilities of smaller models

A relatively small student LLM that learns to mimic a larger teacher model can perform nearly as well as the teacher while using much less computation. It can come even closer if the teacher also teaches reasoning techniques.
U.S. and China Seek AI Agreement: U.S. and China open dialogue to prevent AI catastrophes
Jun 5, 2024

U.S. and China Seek AI Agreement: U.S. and China open dialogue to prevent AI catastrophes

The United States and China opened a dialogue to avert hypothetical AI catastrophes.
Disinformation Documented: OpenAI takes action against misuse of its models in propaganda
Jun 5, 2024

Disinformation Documented: OpenAI takes action against misuse of its models in propaganda

OpenAI models were used in five disinformation campaigns, the company said.
Windows Laptop displaying a colored wallpaper
Jun 5, 2024

Rise of the AI PC: Microsoft launches AI-driven Copilot+ PCs

Generative AI plays a starring role in the latest Windows PCs.

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