May 29, 2024

6 Posts

We Need Better Evals for LLM Applications: It’s hard to evaluate AI applications built on large language models. Better evals would accelerate progress.
May 29, 2024

We Need Better Evals for LLM Applications: It’s hard to evaluate AI applications built on large language models. Better evals would accelerate progress.

A barrier to faster progress in generative AI is evaluations (evals), particularly of custom AI applications that generate free-form text.
Heart-Risk Model Saves Lives, Self-Driving on Unruly Roads, Knowledge Workers Embrace AI, Richer Context for RAG
May 29, 2024

Heart-Risk Model Saves Lives, Self-Driving on Unruly Roads, Knowledge Workers Embrace AI, Richer Context for RAG

The Batch AI News and Insights: A barrier to faster progress in generative AI is evaluations (evals), particularly of custom AI applications that generate free-form text.
Richer Context for RAG: RAPTOR, a recursive summarizer, captures more relevant context for LLM inputs
May 29, 2024

Richer Context for RAG: RAPTOR, a recursive summarizer, captures more relevant context for LLM inputs

Text excerpts used in retrieval augmented generation (RAG) tend to be short. Researchers used summarization to pack more relevant context into the same amount of text.
Knowledge Workers Embrace AI: AI gaining traction at work, rewarding early adopters, survey finds
May 29, 2024

Knowledge Workers Embrace AI: AI gaining traction at work, rewarding early adopters, survey finds

AI could offer paths to promotion and relief from busywork for many knowledge workers.
Autonomous Driving through Extremely Dynamic-Complex Traffic-Dynamics in India
May 29, 2024

Self-Driving on Indian Roads: Indian self-driving car startups tackle chaotic roads

Few makers of self-driving cars have braved the streets of India. Native startups are filling the gap.
Heart-Risk Model Saves Lives: Deep learning model identifies high-risk patients from EKG readings
May 29, 2024

Heart-Risk Model Saves Lives: Deep learning model identifies high-risk patients from EKG readings

A deep learning model significantly reduced deaths among critically ill hospital patients.

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