
3 Posts

Different screen captures of Replika's website

Hot Bot Turns Cold: Why Replika's chatbot stopped flirting with users.

A chatbot that simulated erotic companionship stopped sharing intimacies, leaving some users heartbroken. Replika, a chatbot app, deactivated features that allowed premium users to engage in sexually explicit chat with the 3D avatar of their choice, Vice reported.
Star Trek actor William Shatner recording his own deepfake images

Star Trek, The Videobot Generation: William Shatner creates his own deepfake.

A digital doppelgänger of Star Trek’s original star will let fans chat with him — possibly well beyond his lifetime. AI startup StoryFile built a lifelike videobot of actor William Shatner, best known for playing Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek.
Virtual bot speaking

Bots Don’t Need Social Distancing: Covid-19 drove demand for Replika, an AI chatbot.

A chatbot is providing companionship for the locked-down and lonely. Downloads of Replika, a chatbot designed to be a virtual friend, have spiked during the coronavirus pandemic, reports the New York Times.

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