Sep 04, 2024

6 Posts

Sep 04, 2024

An Asian AI Hub-in-the-Making: South Korea is well positioned to become a strong AI hub

Recently I visited South Korea, where I spoke at length about AI with President Yoon Suk Yeol. Based on what I saw there in government, business, and academia, the nation is well positioned to become a strong AI hub.
Sep 04, 2024

Hallucination Index, AI-Powered Policing Goes National, Explainable LLMs, Faster Processing for Longer Inputs

The Batch AI News and Insights: Recently I visited South Korea, where I spoke at length about AI with President Yoon Suk Yeol. Based on what I saw there in government, business, and academia, the nation is well positioned to become a strong AI hub.
Gemma Scope 2
Sep 04, 2024

Making LLMs Explainable: Google’s Gemma Scope probes how large language models think

Researchers have probed the inner workings of individual layers of large language models. A new tool applies this approach to all layers.
Sep 04, 2024

AI-Powered Policing Goes National: Argentina launches AI unit to predict and prevent crimes

Argentina created a national law-enforcement department that will use AI to detect crimes as they’re committed, investigate them afterward, and predict them before they occur.
Short, Medium and Long Context RAG
Sep 04, 2024

Models Ranked for Hallucinations: Measuring language model hallucinations during information retrieval

How often do large language models make up information when they generate text based on a retrieved document? A study evaluated the tendency of popular models to hallucinate while performing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). 
Throughput and latency at different context lengths
Sep 04, 2024

Long Context Gets Up to Speed: AI21 Labs’ Jamba 1.5 outpaces transformers in long-text processing

A new model generates tokens faster than current transformers, especially when processing long inputs.

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