
5 Posts

Goodbye Prompt Engineering, Hello Prompt Generation: Automatic Prompt Engineer (APE) research summary.

Goodbye Prompt Engineering, Hello Prompt Generation: Automatic Prompt Engineer (APE) research summary.

When you’re looking for answers from a large language model, some prompts are better than others. So how can you come up with the best one? A new model automates the process.
Example of interactive editing sessions with Meta's text generator PEER

Collaborative Text Generator: A language model that collaborates with human writers

Text from current language models can be useful as a rough draft, but that leaves the polishing to human writers. A language model learned how to generate and respond to editorial directions.
Example of a video produced from a story-like description

Long-Form Videos from Text Stories: Google's Phenaki Generates Long-Form Video from Text

Only a week ago, researchers unveiled a system that generates a few seconds of video based on a text prompt. New work enables a text-to-video system to produce an entire visual narrative from several sentences of text.
Different Nvidia cloud-computing services

Chipmaker Boosts AI as a Service: Nvidia Launches Cloud Service for NLP Models

Nvidia, known for chips designed to process AI systems, is providing access to large language models. Nvidia announced early access to NeMo LLM and BioNeMo, cloud-computing services that enable developers to generate text and biological sequences respectively.
Information related to Semi-Parametric Editing with a Retrieval-Augmented Counterfactual Model (SERAC)

Update Any Language Model: New Method to Update Pretrained Language Models

The ability to update language models is essential to incorporate new information and correct undesirable behaviors. Previous methods are unwieldy and often fail as the amount of new data increases. New work offers a workaround.

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