
3 Posts

GIF showing a zoomed in human mouth speaking through a headset microphone

Your Voice, Your Choice: AI-Powered Tool Modifies Voices in Real Time

A startup enables people who participate in voice chat to use realistic artificial voices in real time. What’s new: Massachusetts-based Modulate offers a voice-masking tool to forestall harassment of people, particularly women and trans individuals,
15.ai screen capture with a character from My Little Pony

Voice Cloning for the Masses: An AI project clones cartoon character voices.

Are you secretly yearning to have a My Little Pony character voice your next online presentation? A new web app can make your dreams come true. 15.ai translates short text messages into the voices of popular cartoon and videogame characters.
GO match: AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol

DeepMind Results Raise Questions

Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind lost $572 million in the past year, and its losses over the last three years amounted to more than $1 billion. AI contrarian Gary Marcus used the news as an opportunity to question the direction of AI as an industry.

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